Studio Portrait Sessions start at $79 with adjustments made for large groups or special sessions. This includes families(up to 6 people), babies, toddler, children,New High School Freshmen(Get the beginning session in 9th grade) then High School Senior Sessions!

On Location in within Ouachita parish $229 with adjustments made for large groups.

First Birthday Sessions: We have several options for these call for information

Baby, Toddler, Preschool sessions can be mini in studio sessions! We also offer baby and grow with me

plans for Newborn through Preschool.

Women over 50 is a specialty group that we Love! If you want to document your fabulous fiftie's then we are the studio to do just that! Whatever you want ,we want you to have it.  Sexy, traditional, fabulously fun, or incredible journey! As women over 50 you've seen a lot of life and we want to document you just as you are.  So many are cancer survivors, single, widows, or divorcees, weight loss accomplishers, beautiful from the inside out, and just fantastic moms and grandmothers! Age marks are the sign of a life lived and we want to document you and the importance of who you are in the lives of others!  We have the talent to make you look your best in whatever place you find yourself. Don't want to do it alone? Invite a friend and share a session or better yet plan a party of five night and do it all together!

Golden Years Session: Document the most blessed years--after the kids are grown and you have grandchildren, or travel, or just enjoy the company of friends! Give your family the gift they will certainly cherish! 2

Our motto is "Making Memories for Tomorrow---Today" Don't let this special time in your life pass by. Cherish it!


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